; Bloodwych Extended Levels HD-Install by Morbidus
; Checks if given program is reachable via the path
; if not abort install
; IN: #program - to check
; OUT: -
(procedure P_chkrun
(= 0 (run ("cd SYS:\nWhich %s" #program)))
(abort ("You must install \"%s\" first !\nIt must be accessible via the path.\nYou can find it in the whdload package." #program))
; Wait for inserting disk
; IN: #AD_disk - name of disk
; OUT: -
(procedure P_disk
(dest "bloodwych +")
(prompt ("\nInsert \"%s\" in any drive !\n" #AD_disk))
(help #insertdisk-help)
(set #program "WHDLoad")
(set @default-dest
(prompt ("Please select where to install Bloodwych Extended.\nNo drawer will be created!\nSuggested place is in your Bloodwych drawer." @app-name @app-name))